We provide training on all the main aspects of the business. The training programme are quite comprehensive and include aspects such as financial and business systems, staff recruitment and management, as well as guidance on marketing techniques to attract customers.
This training programme usually lasts anywhere between a few days and a few weeks. It could take the form of on-the-job training at the franchisee’s site or theoretical instruction at the corporate headquarters, or a combination thereof.
We Ensure that you have the right location is vital to any franchisee’s success. Our team work closely with the franchisee in selecting the best possible site to position his business, ideally using scientific tools based on Geographic Information Systems (GIS). This should also include guidance with lease negotiations.
We provide a comprehensive marketing plan that extends past the grand opening and that includes brand building and promotional campaigns. We also guide new franchisees in local and regional marketing initiatives.
As part of ongoing support, we provide new franchisees with a comprehensive operations manual. This manual should outline all aspects of running the business in detail.
We have a structured support system in place. Specific, specialized personnel within the head office, such as field service consultants, will make scheduled contacts with franchisees with regard to marketing, technology, and any training that is needed. These meetings should ideally take place at least once a month. In addition, franchisees should be able to contact the head office at any time when questions or concerns arise.
Franchisees can also provide ongoing support to each other and new franchisees will have much to learn from others who have been in the system for longer. Apart from learning from the experience of their peers, franchisees can also exchange ideas..
Generally, we hold annual meetings or conferences with the franchisees. During these meetings the growth and earnings of the franchisee are evaluated. It is also a good opportunity to share any concerns and to examine new ideas and do strategic planning for the business.